Hey everyone! If you don’t know, my YouTube channel (Vibeform1) has reached 1,000 subscribers, which is an amazing milestone for the channel itself!
So in dedication to reaching it, I’m hosting a big collaboration special where everyone can submit entries dedicated to me in many ways possible! If you’ve been a fan of my drawings, you can make fanart of me and/or the VibeToons to join this special!
If you want to submit your fanart after making it and have your chances of getting featured in this special, make sure to fill in this form below and drop your entry there: https://forms.gle/RN3CFGAfampyPkBA9
Submissions will close on Christmas Eve at 5PM ET. There will be a drive link included in the form containing VibeToon drawings that you can use as references when making your fanart. Remember that your fanart can be either public or unlisted.
And don’t worry, like I said, there are many other ways you can do to make an entry for this special if you can’t make fanart! Just watch this video for more information about it: https://youtu.be/ggIC5qrPeHU?feature=shared
Hope to see you guys there!