2023 has been the year that I've never expected to come this far when it comes to making art. At the start of the year, when I rebranded from TheRetroGallery to VibeformArts, I thought to myself that I would make a similar amount of drawings as last year. But as it turns out, I made WAY more drawings than I expected, with a whopping total of 81 drawings, which is about 5 times more than the number of drawings that I made in 2022 (15 drawings). I've never expected to make that amount of drawings ever since I started my drawing hobby. Not only that, but I improved so much during this year, experimenting and learning many things, most notably both backgrounds and shading. I also made more original characters like Marley, Kingston, and Swift, as well as redesigned some characters like Galax, Gizmo, and Sherbert! I even established a group consisting of my oc's known as the VibeToons. This year is considered to be my best year for making art so far, and I can't wait to see what happens next in the VibeformArts brand! I just want to say thanks to everyone who tuned in to my drawings throughout this year! It wouldn't be possible without you guys! I still have much to improve on, including my slow pacing, but I'm pretty sure I can be optimistic for the new year! Anyways, we'll see you guys next year in 2024!